Post job - sidestep

Post job

Take the first step

Post your role in just 5 minutes and unlock amazing marketing talent

Post your job

It only takes 2 minutes and we'll do the rest. No hire, no fee.


About the role

🥳 Lucky you, you've been referred by one of our sidestep partners!

This entitles you to a free upgrade to a premium job listing and £/€/$100 discount on your platform fees if you hire a referral made through sidestep.

To save you time, just pop in the link from your careers page, LinkedIn, Otta, Indeed etc and we'll do the rest to get a tailored, custom job listing made up for you.

We're working on adding new currencies as soon as possible, but for now we can handle job postings and process bounties in GBP, EUR and USD.


We appreciate this is likely in the posting already, but we need to make sure it's correct.

If the role doesn't have a salary range, you can leave this blank.


This is a guideline calculation based on the max salary. The bounty you decide to offer should also take into account job seniority, urgency and the current state of the talent market.

You can also read more about our bounty recommendations or you can also view all jobs to get some inspiration.


The bounty you would like to set for this role

This will only be processed if you successfully hire a referral from the sidestep platform, and they pass probation. Read our Ts and Cs for more information on how this works.

You don't have to set a bounty but we strongly recommend you do to encourage referrals.

Consider the ideal candidate you would like to interview. What job title might they have in their existing role?

1 per line, add as many as you like.

Not sure? No worries, leave it to us.

What do you offer your employees and team members that other companies perhaps don't, that really helps people progress and advance in their role, their skill sets and also within the company?

1 per line, list as many as you like

1 per line, list as many as you like

About you

Finally, we just need a few details from you. You'll be allocated a sidestep account manager who will keep you updated on the process via email, every step of the way.


Any questions? Check out the FAQs page or read about how it works.